jiāo dǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.put all one's cards on the table; tell somebody what one's real intentions are

    • bǎ dǎng de zhèng cè xiàng rén mín jiāo dǐ


      fully reveal the Party's policies to the masses

    • nǐ bù xiàng wǒ jiāo dǐ wǒ zì rán bù dǒng qí zhōng ào miào


      If you keep something back from me, I won't understand all the subtleties for sure.

Word usage

  • "交" and "底" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 底儿

      Tell me the whole story.

    • 实底

      He tells me what his real intentions are.

    • 犯人

      Did the prisoner reveal what he did fully?

Chinese words with pinyin jiao di