
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.engage in a battle; wage war; clash

    • zhèng miàn jiāo fēng


      frontal engagement

    • zhōu wǔ wáng zài liǎng jūn jiāng yào jiāo fēng de shí hou shì shī shì wèi le jī lì shì zú de zhàn dòu yì zhì


      King Wu of Zhou Dynasty made the oath just before the two armies clash, in order to stimulate the people's will to fight.

  • 2

    v.metacross swords (with); confront; engage in a battle or contest

    • zài cì jiāo fēng


      return game

    • zhè liǎng zhī zú qiú duì jiāng zài míng rì jiāo fēng


      The two football teams will meet tomorrow.

    • shuāng fāng jiāng zài shí èr yuè zài cì jiāo fēng yǐ zhēng duó jìn rù sì fēn zhī yī jué sài de xí wèi


      The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December.

Word usage

  • "交" and "锋" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 双方已经

      The two parties have battled against each other.

    • 双方已经胜负

      The two sides have battled and the winner has been decided.