jiāo juàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.hand in an examination paper; submit an examination paper

    • shí jiān dào le qǐng zhǔn shí jiāo juàn


      Time is up. Please hand in your paper on time.

    • zài jiāo juàn zhī qián zǐ xì jiǎn chá nǐ de shì juàn


      Check your papers carefully before handing them in.

    • wǒ gǎn jué fēi cháng dé yì jiāo juàn le yǐ hòu jué de wǒ kǎo de tè hǎo


      Totally satisfied, I handed my test in feeling like I had aced it.

Word usage

  • "交" and "卷" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 同学

      All the students have submitted their papers.

    • 交错

      Who submitted the wrong paper?

    • I came to submit my examination paper.

Chinese words with pinyin jiao juan