jiāo tì

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.supersede; replace

    • xīn jiù tǐ zhì jiāo tì


      in the transition from the old structure to the new

  • 2

    v.alternate; take place by turn; in turn

    • ér tóng yīng gāi jiāo tì jìn xíng tā men de xiū xi hé zuò yè


      Children should alternate their homework and rest.

    • jiāo tì yǎn zòu liǎng guó yuè zhāng


      play music of the two countries alternately

    • nà shì qíng yǔ jiāo tì de yī tiān


      That was a day of alternate rain and sunshine.

Chinese words with pinyin jiao ti