jiǎo qiāng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(of enemy) hand over arms; lay down one's arms; surrender

    • dí rén men jiǎo qiāng tóu xiáng le


      The enemy handed over their weapons and surrendered.

    • tā jù jué jiǎo qiāng


      He refused to yield up his gun.

  • 2

    v.capture the enemy's guns; disarm

    • jiǎo qiāng shí zhī


      capture ten rifles

    • wǒ jūn jī bài dí jūn jiǎo qiāng shù bǎi zhàn lǐng suì chuān


      We defeated the enemy, captured several hundred rifles and took Suichuan.

Word usage

  • "缴" and "枪" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 敌人

      I captured the enemy's gun.

    • You captured two guns.

    • 哪儿

      Where did you capture those guns?