jiào xué lóu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.classroom building

    • tā zhàn zài jiào xué lóu mén kǒu


      He is standing at the schoolhouse door.

    • wǒ men wǎn shang liù diǎn zài jiào xué lóu jí hé


      Shall we first meet at the gate of the Teaching Building?

    • zhè ge shí táng fù jìn shì jiào xué lóu hé tú shū guǎn


      The canteen is close to lecture buildings and a library.

    • jiào xué lóu de kàng zhèn jiā gù shè jì


      the aseismic design on a classroom building

Word usage

  • "教学楼" is often matched with measure word "座"or"排".
    • 教学楼

      one teaching building

    • 教学楼

      one row of teaching buildings