jié jiāo

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.make friends with; associate with

    • tā jié jiāo de péng you duō shì qīng nián gōng rén


      He associates mostly with young workers.

    • bié yǔ huài rén jié jiāo


      Never associate with bad companions.

    • jié jiāo xīn de péng you


      make new friends

    • tā xiǎng jié jiāo duì tā shì yè yǒu bāng zhù de rén


      He hopes to associate with people who can help him in his career.

    • wǒ gào bié le zài bā lí jié jiāo de suǒ yǒu péng you


      I bade farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris.

    • wǒ shì yī míng xué sheng xiǎng jié jiāo tiān nán dì běi de péng you


      I am a student, and I want to make friends from all over the world.

Chinese words with pinyin jie jiao