
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.conserve; economize; save; practise thrift

    • nà zuò jiàn zhù jīng tè bié shè jì yǐ jié yuē cái liào


      That building is expressly designed to conserve materials.

    • zuò fēi jī bǐ zuò huǒ chē jié yuē shí jiān


      Going by plane can save much time than going by train.

    • wǒ men yào jié yuē yòng shuǐ


      We should save water.

  • 2

    adj.frugalness; economy

    • wǒ men yào cǎi qǔ jié yuē de cuò shī


      We should take economical measures.

    • tā zài shēng huó shang hěn jié yuē


      He is very economical in life.

    • tā shì gè jié yuē de rén


      He is a frugal man.

Word usage

  • Note
    "节约"' is different from "节省". "节约" means "conserve" or "reduce expenses". It can be used in a wide range and can be used in important and formal occasions, such as "勤俭节约", etc.; "节省" means "save" or "economize" and not used in formal occasions.