
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    elder sister and younger sister (exclusive of the person specified)

    • tā méi yǒu jiě mèi yǒu yī ge gē ge


      She has no sisters, only an elder brother.

    • zhè duì luán shēng jiě mèi gāng xià le yī pán qí


      The twin sisters played a game of chess just now.

    • zhè liǎng jiě mèi zài hěn duō fāng miàn bù yī yàng


      The two sisters are unlike in many ways.

  • 2

    n.elder sister and younger sister (inclusive of the person specified); sisters(plural)

    • tā men jiě mèi liǎng gè dōu shì xiān jìn shēng chǎn zhě


      The two sisters are both advanced workers.

    • wǒ men shì jiě mèi


      We're sisters.

    • liǎng jiě mèi dōu xiàng xiǎo hái r yī yàng yǎo zhǐ jia


      Both sisters bit their nails as children.

  • 3

    n.brothers and sisters; compatriots; fellow countrywomen; siblings(plural)

    • nǐ men yǒu jǐ gè jiě mèi


      How many brothers and sisters are there in your family?

    • tā yī zhí méi yǒu kè fú hé xiōng di jiě mèi jiào jìn de xīn lǐ


      She had never overcome her feelings of sibling rivalry.

    • wǒ shì sì jiě mèi dāng zhōng zuì xiǎo de


      I am the youngest of four sisters.

Word usage

  • "姐妹" is often matched with measure word "个"or"对"or"群".
    • 姐妹

      one sister

    • 姐妹

      one pair of sisters

    • 姐妹

      one group of sisters