jiě shǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.go to the toilet (or lavatory); defecate or urinate

    • jiě shǒu de dì fang zài nǎ


      Where are the toilets?

    • nà shí hou wǒ kě néng gāng qiǎo lí kāi gōng lù dào shù cóng hòu miàn jiě shǒu qù le


      I was probably off the road, behind a bush, answering a call of nature.

    • fàn hòu tā qù yù shì jiě shǒu


      After dinner he went into the bath room to relieve himself.

Word usage

  • "解" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • I'll go to the bathroom.

    • He’s just been to the bathroom.