
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.scenic spot

    • zài liǎng zhōu de shí jiān lǐ wǒ men yóu lǎn le dà liàng de jǐng diǎn


      We packed a lot of sightseeing into two weeks.

    • bàn dǎo shang de gè chù jǐng diǎn wú bù ràng rén xīn chí shén wǎng


      All the attractions of the peninsula beckon the people.

    • tā men zài dǎo shang jǐ gè zuì hǎo de lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn dāi guò


      They stayed at several of the island's top tourist spots.

Word usage

  • "景点" is often matched with measure word "个"or"处".
    • 景点

      one scenic spot

    • 景点

      one scenic spot