New HSK level 6

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 6

bù biàn不便inconvenient; inappropriate

bù zěn me yàng不怎么样just so-so

bù chéng不成won't do

bù liào不料be contrary to expectations

bù jīn不禁can’t help doing

bù zhì yú不至于not to such an extent; be unlikely to

bù jiàn不见not see; be missing/lost

chǎn liàng产量output

cāng kù仓库warehouse

side; lean

biàn便handy; informal

bǎo jiàn保健health care

bàng wǎn傍晚nightfall

bàn shì chù办事处office

bàn gōng办公do office work

bàn xué办学keep/run a school

bàn jué sài半决赛semifinal

cè suǒ厕所toilet

cān zhǎn参展participate in an exhibition

cān sài参赛go in for/enter a competition

biàn xíng变形deform; anamorphic

biàn huàn变换alter

biàn gēng变更alter

bēn pǎo奔跑run

ān jiǎn安检security check

céng miàn层面range/scope of a certain level; aspect

chā yì差异difference

bì xiū必修compulsory

bì jiāng必将will certainly

bēi cǎn悲惨miserable

cǎncruel; disastrous


bào kān报刊journal

bào kǎo报考register for examination

bào qiàn抱歉sorry

chāi qiān拆迁have one's house pulled down and move out

bō dǎ拨打dial or call


broadcast; seed

cāo zòng操纵operate/control/steel; manipulate

chāng shèng昌盛prosperous

bào lì暴力violence; force

bào yǔ暴雨torrential rain; rain 50-100 millimetres in precipitation in 24 hours

bào lù暴露reveal

bào fēng yǔ暴风雨rainstorm

běnstem or root of plants; original

běn tǔ本土native country/land; native land of a colonialist power

běn dì本地this locality

běn zhì本质essence; nature

běn shēn本身oneself

chá kàn查看look over into

cán jí残疾deformity

cán kù残酷cruel; hard and dangerous

bō dòng波动undulate; wave motion

bō làng波浪wave

cè dìng测定determine

bàoexplode; occur unexpectedly

bào fā爆发erupt; violent social change

bào zhà爆炸blow up; bombing

bìng qíng病情patient's condition

bìng fáng病房sickroom

bái lǐng白领white-collar

bǎi fēn diǎn百分点percentage point

bǐ shì笔试answer questions in writing

cè huà策划plan; the planner

cè lüè策略tactics; tactful

biān zhì编制weave; compile

bà liǎo罢了be done with it

bà gōng罢工go on strike

bèi xīn背心sleeveless garment

cánghide; store

bǔ xí补习take a remedial course

bǔ zhù补助supply needs; allowance

bǔ kǎo补考take a make-up exam

bǔ kè补课make up/catch up on missed lessons; do once again something not well done

bèi gào被告defendant

cǎistep on; belittle

biān yuán边缘edge; marginal

force; press on towards

biàn dì遍地everywhere; be spread all over the place

bù duì部队army; unit

cǎi nà采纳accept

cháng duǎn长短length; right and wrong

shut; obstruct

cāneat; food

bù zhí不值be not worth

bù zài不再no longer;exist no more

bù zěn me不怎么not particularly

bù tōng不通be obstructed; making no sense

bù mǎn布满be full of

ái dǎ挨打get/suffer a beating; be punished

chá chū查出ferret out

cán jí rén残疾人deformed man

biǎo miàn shang表面上superficial

āiby turns; be close to

āi zhe挨着next to

bēi zhe背着carry on the back

běn qī本期current period

biàn shì便是that is

bù jǐn jǐn不仅仅not the only one