jìng tǔ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.the Land of Ultimate Bliss; Paradise of the West; the Pure Land

    • shí jì shang zhè cái shì dì qiú shang zuì jiē jìn zì rán tiān táng de jìng tǔ


      Indeed it is the closest to nature's Heavenly Paradise on earth.

  • 2

    n.unpolluted land; clean and uncontaminated place

    • tā de yī fāng jìng tǔ shì wò shì


      His bedroom's his inner sanctum.

    • wǒ xī wàng yǒu yī kuài jìng tǔ mái zàng tā


      I would like to give him a proper burial in sanctified ground.