jiù jí

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.help somebody to cope with an emergency; help meet an urgent need

    • zhī yuán shuǐ zāi qū de wù zī kě zhēn shi jiù jí le


      The goods and materials were sent to the flooded areas just when they were in great need.

    • tā men zhī yuán wǒ men zhè xiē cái liào kě zhēn jiù jí le


      They gave us this material just when we needed it most.

    • jù yuàn miàn lín zhe dǎo bì chú fēi yǒu dà bǐ jiù jí zī jīn tóu rù


      The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.

  • 2

    v.give emergency treatment

    • xiè xie nǐ zuì hòu yī kè lái jiù jí


      Thanks a lot for coming at the last minute like that.

Word usage

  • "救" and "急" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 这么点儿粮食根本不了

      Such a little food can't meet an urgent need.

    • 真是!

      Your two thousand yuan really meet an urgent need!

    • 我们

      Who helped us cope with the emergency?