jǔ zhòng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.weight lifting

    • xiàn zài jǔ zhòng yùn dòng huì bāo kuò liǎng gè dān xiàng zhuā jǔ hé tǐng jǔ


      Now weightlifting includes two events, the snatch and the clean and jerk.

    • qiáo nà zhāng tú piàn yī gè jǔ zhòng yùn dòng yuán zhèng zài tǐng jǔ


      Look at that picture. A weightlifter is doing a clean and jerk.

  • 2

    v.lift the barbell with both hands

    • yī shēng shuō tā yǐ hòu bù néng jǔ zhòng le


      The doctor said he cannot lift the barbell afterwards.