jù bèi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.possess; be equipped/provided with

    • nǐ jù bèi dāng jiào shī de sù zhì


      You are qualified as a teacher

    • tā bù jù bèi chàng hǎo zhè shǒu gē de jì shù néng lì


      He doesn't possess the technical ability to perform the song well.

    • tā bì xū jù bèi de shì qì dù


      What she must possess is be tolerance.

    • zhèng jù jù bèi


      have evidence

    • jù bèi bì yào tiáo jiàn


      satisfy the essential requirements

    • yī míng yōu xiù de jīng lǐ yīng gāi jù bèi shén me sù zhì


      What attributes should a good manager possess?

Word usage

  • Note
    "具备" is different from "具有". "具备" carries a meaning of "complete", that is, "have all that should have", cannot be used widely; "具有" only means "exist", and can be used widely.

Chinese words with pinyin ju bei