
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.view; a way of looking at a thing; opinion

    • tā duì cǐ lìng yǒu kàn fǎ


      She has a different opinion on this.

    • tā fā biǎo zì jǐ de kàn fǎ rèn wéi tā shì gè shǎ guā


      He expressed his view that she was a fool.

    • tā shì tú duì xīn xíng shì yǒu gè kè guān de kàn fǎ


      She tried to take an objective view of the new situation.

  • 2

    n.unfavourable/critical view of somebody; negative attitude towards something or somebody

    • wǒ duì qí zhōng yī gè hòu xuǎn rén yǒu xiē kàn fǎ


      I'm critical of one of the candidates.

Word usage

  • "看法" is often matched with measure word "种"or"个".
    • 看法

      one kind of view

    • 看法

      one view

Chinese words with pinyin kan fa