
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.see; look at; watch; read

    • kàn diàn shì


      watch TV

    • kàn lù xiàng


      watch a videotape

    • kàn xì

      watch a play

  • 2

    v.look upon; regard; treat

    • lìng yǎn xiāng kàn

      treat with a new attitude

    • wǒ méi ná nǐ dāng wài rén kàn


      I don't treat you like an outsider.

    • wǒ bǎ nǐ kàn chéng zì jǐ de hái zi


      I treat you as my own child.

  • 3

    v.think; consider; judge

    • kàn qīng xíng shì


      make a correct appraisal of the situation

    • kàn wèn tí yào kàn běn zhì


      Look at the essence of the problem.

    • wǒ kàn zhè ge jì huà bù cuò


      The plan sounds good to me.

  • 4 on; visit; see

    • tā céng lái guò wǔ liù cì kàn tā de jiě jie


      He had come half a dozen times to call upon his sister.

    • kàn wàng


    • wǒ míng tiān qù kàn tā


      I'll go and see him tomorrow.

  • 5

    v.look after; take care of

    • kàn gù

      look after

    • zhào kàn

      take care of

  • 6

    v.(used after a reduplicated verb or a verb phrase) try and see (what happens)

    • cháng cháng kàn

      Just taste this.

    • zhǎo zhǎo kàn

      have a look

    • xiǎng xiǎng kàn

      Think it over.

  • 7

    v.see or consult (a doctor); treat (a patient or an illness)

    • kàn bìng rén


      treat a patient

    • kàn yǎn jing


      treat eyes

  • 8

    v.mind; watch out; take care

    • kàn shuāi zhe

      Mind you don't fall!

  • 9

    v.depend/hinge on

    • zhè yào kàn nǐ rú hé chǔ lǐ nà ge wèn tí


      That depends on how you tackle the problem.

Words and phrases with 看

Word usage

  • Note
    1."看" is different from "看见". "看" refers to the action itself, "看见" refers to the result of the action; "看" means that the action is in progress, and "看见" means that the action has been completed. 2. When pronounced as "kān", "看" means guarding or surveillance, such as "看家" and "看守". "

Similar-form characters to 看

Chinese Characters with pinyin kàn

  • a surname
  • look down from a height; steal a look at