kǒu wù

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.make a slip of the tongue; stumble; error in speaking

    • zài zhèng shì chǎng hé tā zǒng shì huì kǒu wù shuō cuò huà


      On formal occasions, he always slips his tongue and says the wrong thing.

  • 2

    n.oral slip; slip of the tongue; mispronounced word; misspoken words or sentences due to carelessness

    • wǒ xiǎng shuō nà zhǐ shì kǒu wù


      I was to say that was only a malapropism.

    • kǒu wù jīng cháng chǎn shēng yì wài de jié guǒ


      A slip of the tongue usually bring about unexpected result.

Word usage

  • "口误" is often matched with measure word "个"or"句".
    • 口误

      one slip of the tongue

    • 口误

      one slip of the tongue