
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.trouble taken

    • tā fèi jìn kǔ xīn jiào yù hái zi


      He took great pains to educate his children.

    • wǒ shà fèi kǔ xīn xiǎng yào shēng zhí


      I took great pains to get a promotion.

    • xué shēng yào lǐ jiě lǎo shī de yī piàn kǔ xīn


      Students should understand the teacher's painstaking efforts.

  • 2

    adv.extend much care and thought

    • tā kǔ xīn jīng yíng zhe yī qiè


      He manages everything painstakingly.

    • kē xué jiā men yī zhí zài kǔ xīn yán jiū ái zhèng de zhì liáo


      Scientists have been painstakingly studying the treatment of cancer.

    • jiào liàn kǔ xīn péi yǎng tā chéng wéi yī míng yōu xiù yùn dòng yuán


      The coach worked hard to make him an excellent athlete.

Word usage

  • "苦心" is often matched with measure word "片".
    • 苦心

      one piece of hard

Chinese words with pinyin ku xin