SSC Intermediate

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Short-term Spoken Chinese Intermediate.

wéi rén为人behaviour; behave

nǎi zhì乃至even

dài jià代价price; at the expense of something, such as the materials or effort necessary for the attainment of a goal

dài gōu代沟generation gap

yī lài依赖be dependent on; be dependent on each other

qīng tīng倾听be all ears for

guān jiàn关键door bar; key

chōng tū冲突conflict; contradict

fēn qí分歧divergence; different

bié yǒu yòng xīn别有用心have ulterior motives

dòng jī动机intention

huá dēng华灯colorfully decorated lantern

yuán zé原则principle; generally

fǎn pàn反叛revolt; traitor

fǎn gǎn反感dislike; antipathy

fā fú发福put on/gain weight

hé suàn合算worthwhile; reckon up

hán xù含蓄contain; implicit

láo dao唠叨be garrulous


xǐ chū wàng wài喜出望外be pleasantly surprised

huí bào回报report back on what has been done; repay

jūn héng均衡balanced; equilibrium

tǎn shuài坦率blunt

chǔ shì处世conduct oneself in society

dà tǐ大体roughly; general principle

dà bāo dà lǎn大包大揽not worry about conditions or responsibilities, but rather take it all

tiān lún zhī lè天伦之乐family happiness

jiāo shēng guàn yǎng娇生惯养be pampered and spoiled

jiā cháng lǐ duǎn家长里短small household affairs

hán xuān寒暄exchange greetings

dǎo zhì导致lead to

jiān ruì尖锐sharp-pointed; penetrating

jiù yè就业obtain employment

jū gāo lín xià居高临下occupy a commanding position; be commanding/condescending

shǔ xìng属性property; attribute

chóng shàng崇尚uphold

rěn nài忍耐exercise restraint

yuè ěr悦耳sweet

wèi jiè慰藉comfort

ào nǎo懊恼annoyed

fú zhù扶助assist

chéng shòu承受bear; inherit

lā liàn拉练camp and undergo field training

shí jīn bù mèi拾金不昧return money found

nuómove; misappropriate

cuò zhé挫折set back; defeat

xiào yìng效应effect; effect

rì yì日益increasingly

yìng zhào映照cast light upon

wàng zǐ chéng lóng望子成龙have high hopes for one's children

běn fèn本分one's duty/part/obligation/job; be content with one's lot

běn néng本能instinct; instinctive

biāo zhì标志sign; mark

qī zhà欺诈swindle

bù lǚ步履walk

chén zhuó沉着composed; precipitate

gōu tōng沟通link up

ní nìng泥泞muddy; mire

nì ài溺爱spoil

guàn shū灌输draw/channel water; impart

huǒ bào火爆prosperous

měngfierce; energetic

lǐ suǒ dāng rán理所当然as a matter of course

shū yuǎn疏远become estranged; indifferent

zhuó shí着实really; severely

mó liàn磨炼put oneself through the mill

lǐ ràng礼让give precedence to somebody out of courtes

jí guàn籍贯native place

jīng shòu经受undergo

měi mǎn美满happy and complete

lǎo shi老实honest; well-behaved

kǎo yàn考验test

jù cān聚餐have a dinner party

kǔ xīn苦心trouble taken; extend much care and thought

cǎo cǎo草草carelessly

róng qià融洽harmonious

jué wù觉悟become aware of; awareness

shè shēn chǔ dì设身处地put oneself in somebody else's position

tiáofit in perfectly; adjust

yàn yǔ谚语proverb

qiān xū谦虚modest; speak modestly

jǐn shèn谨慎prudent

fù miàn负面negative side

chē shuǐ mǎ lóng车水马龙heavy/dense/congested traffic

lún liú轮流take turns

ruǎn ruò软弱weak; effete

fǎn lǎo huán tóng返老还童recover one's youthful vigour

yuǎn jiàn远见foresight

wéi bèi违背violate

zhuī qiú追求pursue; chase

cuò guài错怪blame somebody wrongly

gé mó隔膜lack of mutual understanding/familiarity; unfamiliar

shùn cóng顺从yield to

diān bǒ颠簸jolt

qū shǐ驱使drive/force somebody to do something; prompt

jī wěi jiǔ鸡尾酒cocktail

dōng zhāng xī wàng东张西望glance this way and that

wú yǐng wú zōng无影无踪disappear completely

yǎng ér fáng lǎo养儿防老Parents raise children who in turn support them in old age.