kùn jìng

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.predicament; straits; difficult position/plight

    • yóu yú xiǎo mài qiàn shōu nóng mín men xiàn rù le kùn jìng


      The farmers were reduced to straitened circumstances by the failure of the wheat crop.

    • wǒ men yīng gāi bāng zhù kùn jìng zhōng de péng you


      We should help the friends in difficulty.

    • zhè jiā gōng sī yǐ xiàn rù jí dù kùn jìng zhī zhōng kě néng huì pò chǎn


      The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt.

    • shēn xiàn kùn jìng


      fall into a predicament

    • bǎi tuō kùn jìng


      extricate oneself from a difficult position

Word usage

  • "困境" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 困境

      one dilemma

    • 困境

      one kind of dilemma