lǎo bǎn niáng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.shopkeeper's wife; wife of one's boss

    • zuì hòu yī cì qù shì hú yī gè péng you yī qǐ qù wǒ shòu dào le lǎo bǎn niáng de rè liè huān yíng


      The last time I went there, I walked in with a friend and I was greeted by the hostess.

  • 2

    n.female boss; a respectful form of address for businesswomen

    • xíng kè zhàn lǎo bǎn niáng tǐng zhí shēn bǎn fèn rán shuō dào


      "Well!", said the innkeeper, drawing herself up indignantly.