
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.use; make use of; utilize

    • wǒ lì yòng zhè cì jī huì lái shēng zhí


      I used this opportunity to get a promotion.

    • xué sheng yào lì yòng jià qī zuò shè huì diào chá


      Students should use their holidays to do social research.

    • rén lèi yào hé lǐ lì yòng zì ran zī yuán


      Human beings should make rational use of natural resources.

  • 2

    v.take advantage of; exploit; use somebody or something for one's own ends

    • tā wèi dé dào hǎo chu lì yòng péng you


      She took advantage of her friend to benefit herself.

    • wǒ men lì yòng duì fāng de shū hu yíng dé le bǐ sài


      We took advantage of each other's carelessness to win the game.

    • yào shàn yú lì yòng dí rén nèi bù máo dùn


      Good use should be made of the enemy's internal conflict.