liàn bīng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.drill soldiers; train troops/soldiers

    • liàn bīng huó dòng


      soldier training movement

    • shì bīng men dōu zài bīng yíng liàn bīng chǎng cāo liàn


      The soldiers were at drill in the barrack-yard.

  • 2

    v.(in a broad sense) professional training

    • bǐ sài qián liàn bīng


      train before a game

    • wǒ men bì xū jī jí kāi zhǎn kē jì liàn bīng quán miàn tí gāo qún tǐ sù zhì


      We must develop training with science and technology, and overall improve population quality.

Word usage

  • "练" and "兵" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 部队正在山地

      The troops are drilled in the mountains.

    • 司令小时

      The commander drills troops for an hour per week.

    • 我们不了

      We can't drill troops.