liàng diǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.luminescent spot

    • tiān kōng zhōng yǒu yī gè liàng diǎn


      There is a bright spot in the sky.

  • 2

    brightened dot; luminous point; spot of light

  • 3

    n.focus of attention; building lightened by strong coloured lights; bright spot; person or event that occupies the limelight

    • zài quán guó pái qiú lián sài zhōng jǐ wèi zài dù chū shān de jiào liàn chéng wéi liàng diǎn


      In the national volleyball league competition, it was the returned coaches that stole the limelight.

    • zuò zhě qīn bǐ qiān míng de jiù shū shì zhè cì pāi mài huì de liàng diǎn


      The old books with the author's autograph were the main focus of attention at the auction.

    • yǎn xià jì suàn jī chǎn yè shì jīng jì de wéi yī liàng diǎn


      The computer industry is the one bright spot in the economy at the moment.

  • 4

    n.prominent advantage

    • yī zé hǎo guǎng gào néng ràng rén men xiāng xìn chǎn pǐn de liàng diǎn


      A good commercial convinces people of the attractive features of a product.

    • qín fèn shì tā zuì dà de liàng diǎn


      Being diligent is her best merit.

Word usage

  • "亮点" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些".
    • 亮点

      one highlight

    • 亮点

      some highlights

Chinese words with pinyin liang dian