liè mǎ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.inferior horse

    • zhè shì yī xiàng mǎ pǐ jiāo yì zài jiāo yì zhōng liè mǎ de mǎ zhǔ fù sòng le yī zhī bù qiāng shǐ jiāo yì gōng píng


      It was a horse trade in which the the owner of the worse gave a rifle to make the trade equal.

  • 2

    n.vicious/wild horse; fiery steed; horse which is fiery and hard to control

    • zhì fú liè mǎ


      tame a wild horse

    • wèi le bù shǐ zì jǐ xiàn rù kùn jìng wǒ kāi shǐ yán jiū bìng péi yǎng zhǎng wò guǎn lǐ zhè pǐ liè mǎ de fāng fǎ


      In the interest of not getting myself killed, I started to read and educate myself on ways to manage a high-spirited horse.

Chinese words with pinyin lie ma