liù niǎo

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.(of bird keepers) take a walk with pet birds in a quiet place

    • bǐ rú jīn tiān wǒ shì yīng gāi qù diào yú ne hái shi yīng gāi qù liù niǎo


      Like, should I fish with worms or flies today?

Word usage

  • "遛" and "鸟" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 老人小时

      The old man goes for a walk with his bird for an hour every day.

    • 一边天儿一边

      They were chatting while going for a walk with their bird.

    • 这个公园

      I went for a walk with my bird in this park.