Common separable words HSK PLUS

Here are some common separable words in Chinese.

shàng rèn上任take up an official post; predecessor

shàng dàng上当be taken in

xià jiǎo下脚get a foothold; leftover bits and pieces

diū rén丢人lose face

zhòng yì中意be to one's liking/taste

zhòng biāo中标get/win the bid

zhòng dú中毒be poisoned physically; be poisoned mentally

zhòng xuǎn中选be chosen/selected

zhòng fēng中风suffer from a stroke of apoplexy; paralytic stroke

zhēng qì争气try to make a good showing

zuò fèi作废become invalid

zuò bì作弊commit fraud

zuò wén作文write a composition; composition

dǎo méi倒霉be down on one's luck

zhí bān值班be on duty

jiān zhí兼职hold a concurrent post; concurrent post

mào xiǎn冒险run the risks

chū chāi出差go/be away on official business; go away to undertake tasks in transport, construction, etc.

chū shén出神be absorbed in something

chū xiě出血bleed; cough up

fēn hóng分红share surplus or profits

dòng shǒu动手begin/start work; touch

dòng shēn动身get/set/start off

huà zhuāng化妆put on make-up

fā dāi发呆stare blankly

fā shì发誓pledge

fā cái发财get rich; ask somebody where he or she works by way of asking where he or she makes a fortune

fā jiào发酵ferment

biàn zhì变质go bad; metamorphism

chī kuī吃亏come to grief; at a disadvantage

chī kǔ吃苦suffer

hé yǐng合影take a group photo/picture; group photo/picture

tù xiě吐血haematemesis

xià rén吓人frightening

mìng míng命名name

shī mián失眠insomnia

shī zōng失踪be missing

xuān shì宣誓make a vow/pledge

hài xiū害羞be bashful

jiāng jūn将军check; embarrass

yìng pìn应聘accept a job offer

dāng miàn当面face to face

huái yùn怀孕be pregnant

chéng jiāo成交bargain

dǎ zhàng打仗engage in a battle

dǎ bāo打包bale; unpack

dǎ jià打架come to blows

dǎ dī打的go by taxi

bǎ guān把关guard a pass; check on strictly

tóu piào投票vote

bào chóu报仇avenge

zhāo biāo招标invite tenders

bài nián拜年pay a New Year's call

gǒng shǒu拱手pay obeisance/make an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before the chest

pīn mìng拼命risk one's life; do one's best

chā yāng插秧transplant rice seedlings or shoots

sā huǎng撒谎lie

bō zhòng播种grow/plant by sowing seeds

cāo xīn操心worry

jiāo shū教书teach school

bào guāng曝光expose; exposure

xiāo dú消毒sterilize; eliminate the pernicious influence

qián shuǐ潜水dive; underwater

zhào yàng照样after a pattern or model; in the same old way

áo yè熬夜stay up all night

hěn xīn狠心harden one's heart; firm decision

dēng lù登陆land; enter the market of an area or region

kàn zhòng看中take a fancy to

miáo zhǔn瞄准aim; cater to

quē kǒu缺口breach; gap

fá kuǎn罚款amercement; impose a fine or forfeit

bà gōng罢工go on strike

gēng dì耕地till; cultivated land

luò jiǎo落脚stop over; set/plant one's foot

biǎo tài表态make known one's position

liè fèng裂缝crack; crevice

yào mìng要命kill; awfully

tǎo hǎo讨好curry favour with; get a good result

ràng bù让步give in

dài kuǎn贷款grant/make/provide a loan; loan

zǒu sī走私smuggle

qǐ huo起火a kind of firecracker

tiào wǔ跳舞dance; dance

zhuàn xiàng转向lose one's bearings; change course

cí zhí辞职give up/resign an appointment

guò qī过期exceed the time limit

guò yǐn过瘾satisfy the urge of a hobby

yíng miàn迎面head-on

huán yuán还原restore; reduce

mí lù迷路lose one's way; labyrinth

tuì wǔ退伍retire or be discharged from active military service

yú qī逾期exceed the deadline

pèi tào配套coordinate

fáng xùn防汛prevent flood

suí yì随意at will

gé mìng革命carry out a revolution; revolutionary

jū gōng鞠躬bow; in a discreet and scrupulous manner

gǔ zhǎng鼓掌clap one's hands

fù kuǎn付款pay a sum of money

xiàn xiě献血donate blood