
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.turnip radish

    • wǒ tǎo yàn chī luó bo


      I hate eating radishes.

    • luó bo de lì shǐ kě yǐ shàng sù dào jǐ qiān nián qián


      The history of the radishes dates back thousands of years.

    • tā bǎ luó bo qiē chéng dīng lái zuò tāng


      She diced the radish for the soup.

Word usage

  • "萝卜" is often matched with measure word "个"or"根"or"筐".
    • 萝卜

      one radish

    • 萝卜

      one radish

    • 萝卜

      one basket of radish