màn téng téng

Chinese dictionary
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  • adj.unhurriedly; sluggish; at a leisurely pace

    • nǐ rú cǐ màn téng téng shén me shí hou néng bǎ zhè bù xiǎo shuō kàn wán


      When will you ever finish reading this novel if you go on at such a leisurely pace?

    • tā dī xià tóu tuō cháng shēng yīn yī zì yī jù màn téng téng de niàn zhe


      He lowered his head and began reading out slowly, word by word, and sentence by sentence.

    • tā wú lùn zuò shén me zǒng shì màn téng téng


      He does everything in an unhurried manner.

    • tā zhè zhǒng màn téng téng de jìn zhēn jí sǐ gè rén


      His unhurried manner really frustrates people.

    • tā gàn shén me dōu màn téng téng de


      He always works at a leisurely pace, no matter what he does.

Word usage

  • Note
    "腾腾" is also pronounced as "tēngtēng" in spoken language in "慢慢腾腾".