mào huǒ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.give off sparks

    • tā fēn xī le zhōng xiǎo xíng zhuàn lú yóu shā bǔ lú hòu pēn zhā mào huǒ shì gù de xíng chéng yuán yīn tí chū le yù fáng kòng zhì duì cè


      He has analysed reasons of splashing and flaming in middle and small converter after being repaired with tarred magnesite, and has raised some countermeasures of prevention and control.

  • 2

    v.burn with anger; get angry (with somebody); flare up

    • liǎng yǎn mào huǒ


      eyes smouldering with rage

    • jí dù de zhí mào huǒ


      broil with envy

    • nǐ xiǎn rán zhī dào rèn hé rén dōu kě yǐ duì wǒ mào huǒ dàn nǐ bù xíng


      You obviously know that anyone can burn with anger to me, but you can not.

Word usage

  • "冒" and "火" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 电缆不断情况十分危急

      The cable is on fire. It is very emergent.

    • 半天

      He burned with anger for a half day.

    • I have never got angry.