méi xì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.dialbe hopeless; be of no hope

    • qù huáng shān lǚ yóu méi xì le


      Our trip to Huangshan Mountain is off.

    • zhè jiàn shì méi xì


      There's no hope for this matter.

    • tā jīn nián chū guó liú xué de shì méi xì le


      There's no longer any hope for her to study abroad this year.

    • chú fēi tā jiǎn diǎn r féi fǒu zé tā jiù méi xì le


      Unless she loses some weight, she will not make it.

Word usage

  • "没" and "戏" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 其他候选人什么

      You have no chance of winning compared with other candidates.

Chinese words with pinyin mei xi