miàn miàn jù dào

Chinese dictionary
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  • attend to each and every aspect of a matter; cover every detail

    • wén zhāng yīng gāi tū chū zhòng diǎn bù bì miàn miàn jù dào


      The article should highlight the main points. Don't write about everything.

    • wǒ méi kàn dào de nǐ dōu kàn dào le zhēn shi miàn miàn jù dào


      You can see all the things that I can't, you don't miss a thing.

    • nǐ bù shì chuān de miàn miàn jù dào ma


      Aren't you a little underdressed for the interview?

    • yǐ xià zhǐ dǎo yuán zé bìng bù shì miàn miàn jù dào


      The following guidelines do not aim to be totally comprehensive.