义无反顾honor permits no turning back
名不虚传deserve the reputation one enjoys
大惊小怪be surprised/alarmed at something very ordinary
应有尽有have all that is necessary
开门见山come straight to the point
恋恋不舍be reluctant to bid farewell
有恃无恐have something secure to rely on
爱不释手love something so much one cannot bear to let go
琳琅满目a dazzling array of beautiful exhibits
相提并论mention in the same breath
约法三章draw up a few simple rules
美不胜收so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in
翻来覆去toss from side to side; again and again
自强不息constantly strive to become stronger
车水马龙heavy/dense/congested traffic
雷厉风行as fierce as a thunderbolt and as fast as the wind
吃不饱not have enough to eat; cannot operate at full capacity
大惊失色be frightened and change color
大街小巷high streets and back lanes
栩栩如生be lifelike and full of vitality
物美价廉high quality and inexpensive
走弯路take a roundabout route; take a wrong turning
身无分文not have a penny to one's name
错落有致be in picturesque/attractive disorder
闻名遐迩be known to all, far and near
风尘仆仆be fatigued with travelling