mǔ zǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.mother and son

    • mǔ zǐ jiān yǒu zhe jí qí xiāng sì de dì fang


      There were significant similarities between mother and son.

    • zhè duì mǔ zǐ jīng cháng méi wán méi liǎo de zhēng chǎo


      The mother and son often quarrel endlessly.

    • zhè duì mǔ zǐ jiān de guān xi fēi cháng hǎo


      The relationship between mother and son is very good.

Word usage

  • "母子" is often matched with measure word "对".
    • 母子

      one pair of mother and son

Chinese words with pinyin mu zi