nǔ zuǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.pout one's lips (as a signal); make signal with the lips

    • nǎi nai zhí nǔ zuǐ ràng tā bié zài wǎng xià shuō


      Grandma pursed her lips at him, hinting that she should stop talking.

    • bù mǎn de nǔ zuǐ


      pursed one's lips in disapproval

  • 2

    v.meta(of trees, grass, flowers) begin to bud

Word usage

  • "努" and "嘴" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 什么

      What did you want to say when you made a signal with your lips?

    • 一下

      He has made a clear signal with the lips.

    • 黄豆已经

      The beans have sprouted.