nuǎn fáng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.datedgo to the bridal chamber on the eve of a wedding to offer one's congratulations; pay a housewarming visit to the bridal chamber on the eve of one's wedding

  • 2

    v.visit for a housewarming; call on somebody in congratulation of his/her moving into a new house

  • 3

    n.greenhouse; brooder; hothouse

    • xiàn dài huà de nuǎn fáng


      the modern greenhouse

    • zhè ge nuǎn fáng de shè jì zhǐ zài bǎ fáng zi hé huā yuán róng hé qǐ lai


      The design of the greenhouse is meant to blur the distinction between the house and the garden.

Word usage

  • "暖" and "房" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 亲戚

      My relatives have come to my house to congratulate me on my moving into a new house.

    • 你们新居什么时候

      When will you call on friends to congratulate you on your moving into a new house?

    • 他们已经

      They have called on friends to congratulate him on his moving into a new house.