
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.metahave the final say; give the final verdict; make the final decision

    • zhè shì r děi yóu lǎo bǎn lái pāi bǎn


      Boss has the final say in this matter.

    • tā bù pà pāi bǎn cóng bù zuò qí qiáng pài


      She's not afraid of making decisions and never sits on the fence.

    • zhè ge fāng àn děi yóu dǒng shì zhǎng lái pāi bǎn


      The director has the final say in this plan.

  • 2


    • xǔ duō nóng mín yòng pāi bǎn lái xià zǒu chī zhuāng jia de niǎo


      Many farmers use clappers to stop birds eating the crops.

  • 3

    v.beat time with one's hand or clappers; strike a pair of clappers to mark the rhythm

    • tā měi cì chàng gē tā de hái zi jiù wèi tā pāi bǎn


      Every time when he sings, the kid will beat time for him.

    • nǐ lái chàng wǒ lái pāi bǎn


      You sing and I'll play the clappers.

  • 4

    v.rap the gavel

    • pāi mài zhōng pāi bǎn


      knock down in auction

    • pāi bǎn dá chéng jiāo yì


      clinch a deal

Word usage

  • "拍" and "板" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 大家

      Everyone is beating time with their clappers.

    • 老板

      Has the boss made the final decision?

    • 老板

      The boss has had the final say.