pèi yào

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.dispense a prescription; (of a pharmacist) make up a prescription; compound/fill a prescription; dispense medicines

    • ná zhè zhāng fāng zi dào zhōng yào fáng qù pèi yào


      Have doses of this prescription made up at the Chinese pharmacy.

    • chú fēi què dìng chǔ fāng shì zhēn de fǒu zé yào jì shī jué bù huì àn fāng pèi yào


      A pharmacist will never dispense a prescription unless he or she knows it is genuine.

    • bù hǎo yì si xiān sheng wǒ yào pèi yào


      Excuse me, sir. I have a prescription to fill.

    • àn zhào chǔ fāng pèi yào


      make up a prescription

Word usage

  • "配" and "药" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • Who made up the prescription for you?

    • 医生

      The doctor gave me a prescription.

    • 药房药材不了

      The dispensary was short of herbs and could not prescribe medicines.