pēn qī

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.spray paint

    • pēn qī qiāng


      paint spray gun

    • zhè xiē nuǎn qì piàn bèi sòng dào yóu qī chē jiān qù pēn qī


      The radiators are sent to the factory's paint shop for spray painting.

    • nǐ wèi shén me bù jiāng tā pēn qī ne


      Why don't you spray it with lacquer?

  • 2

    n.spray paint; spray lacquer

    • sù gān pēn qī


      quick-drying spray paint

    • yī guàn hóng sè pēn qī


      a can of red spray paint

Word usage

  • "喷" and "漆" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 正在柜子

      He is spraying paint on the cabinet in his room.

    • 昨天今天

      The paint that was sprayed yesterday is not dry today.

    • What kind of paint do you want to spray?

Chinese words with pinyin pen qi