
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.sort; assortment; strain; (of products) variety

    • chāo shì li de shí pǐn pǐn zhǒng fēi cháng fēng fù


      There are many kinds of food in the supermarket.

    • huā yuán de huā pǐn zhǒng hěn duō


      There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

    • lěng yǐn de pǐn zhǒng hěn duō lì rú xuě gāo bàng bīng děng


      There are many kinds of cold drinks, such as ice cream, popsicle, etc.

  • 2

    n.breed (variety); species; variety; kind; sort; type

    • zhǐ yào yǒu nài xīn shì néng péi yù chū zhè yī pǐn zhǒng de


      Given patience, breeding of this species can be achieved.

    • zhè shì shuǐ dào zhōng de yōu liáng pǐn zhǒng


      This is an excellent variety of rice.

    • kē xué jiā yòng zá jiāo de fāng fǎ péi yù chū dà dòu xīn pǐn zhǒng


      Scientists bred new soybean varieties by hybridization.

Word usage

  • "品种" is often matched with measure word "个"or"样".
    • 品种

      one variety

    • 品种

      one variety