qiān xùn

Chinese dictionary
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  • adj.modest and humble; unpretentious

    • tā zhī shi fēng fù dàn yī zhí bǎo chí qiān xùn de tài du


      He is erudite, but he always maintains an attitude of modesty.

    • tā qiān xùn dé tǐ de jiē shòu le zàn měi


      She received the praise with becoming modesty.

    • qiān xùn de yán jiū rén yuán bù huì zài qí yán jiū lǐng yù wàng zì zūn dà xiǎng dāng rán de rèn wéi zì jǐ jīng tōng yī qiè


      The humble researcher doesn't become arrogant toward his subject, assuming he has mastered it.

    • yī wèi qiān xùn de xué zhě


      a modest scholar

    • yǐ yī zhǒng qiān xùn de kǒu wěn


      in a condescending tone

Word usage

  • Note
    "谦逊" is different from "谦虚". "谦逊" mostly refers to modesty and polite behavior; "谦虚" refers to having self-knowledge in the heart and not being proud.