
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.frog

    • kē dǒu zhǎng chéng qīng wā


      Tadpoles grow into frogs.

    • tā zǒng shì bèi péng you xì chēng wéi qīng wā dàn tā duì cǐ bù fàng zài xīn shang


      He is always called a frog by his friends but he doesn't take it to heart.

    • wǒ jīn tiān zěn me zhè me dǎo méi yù dào le yī zhī qīng wā


      How could I have been so unlucky today, to meet a frog.

    • tā mó zhàng yī huī bǎ qīng wā biàn chéng le wáng zǐ


      With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a prince.

    • zhuǎn yǎn jiān wáng zǐ biàn chéng le qīng wā


      In a flash, the prince turned into a frog.

    • tā jiě pōu le liǎng zhī qīng wā


      He dissected two frogs.

    • qīng wā jì néng shēng huó zài lù dì shàng yòu néng shēng huó zài shuǐ zhōng


      A frog can live both on land and in water.

    • zài kǎ tōng tóng huà lǐ wáng zǐ biàn chéng le yī zhī qīng wā


      A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairy tale.

Word usage

  • "青蛙" is often matched with measure word "只"or"池".
    • 青蛙

      one frog

    • 青蛙

      one pool of the frog

Chinese words with pinyin qing wa