
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures

    • qián wǎng xī tiān qǔ jīng de táng sēng shī tú sì rén zhōng zuì bù qǐ yǎn de shì shā sēng


      Monk Sha is the most common one of four teachers and prentices who go for lections in the west.

  • 2

    v.metalearn from somebody else's experience; seek for experience

    • dào xiān jìn gōng chǎng qù qǔ jīng


      learn from advanced factories

    • tā men dào nǐ men chǎng li qǔ jīng lái le


      They have come to your factory to learn from what you do here.

    • yuǎn dào qǔ jīng


      travel a long way to learn from the experience of others

Word usage

  • "取" and "经" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 好多

      Many people have asked him for advice.

    • 先进工厂准备回去

      He learned from advanced factories and was ready to go back and make all-out efforts.

    • I'll go and learn from his experience.