shāng fēng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.cold; head cold

    • huàn shāng fēng


      get a cold

    • tā shāng fēng lǎo shì bù hǎo


      He can't get rid of the cold.

    • tā wò chuáng xiū xi zhì liáo zhòng shāng fēng


      He nursed a bad cold by going to bed.

  • 2

    v.catch cold; have a cold

    • tā shāng fēng tóu tòng


      He has a cold in the head.

    • wǒ jīn tiān lǎo liú bí tì kě néng shāng fēng le


      I have a running nose today. Maybe I've got a cold.

    • tā sì hū shāng fēng le


      She appears to have caught cold.

Word usage

  • "伤" and "风" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • She had a cold the other day.

    • 身体不了

      He is in good health and won’t catch cold.