
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.wound; cut; vulnus; injury to the skin, muscle, etc. as caused by breaking, cutting, etc.

    • tā hái shi gǎn dào shāng kǒu bù shí téng tòng


      The wound still pained him occasionally.

    • tā shì tú zhǐ zhù shāng kǒu liú xuè


      He tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound.

    • shāng kǒu yù hé méi liú xia bā hén


      The wound healed up without leaving a scar.

Word usage

  • "伤口" is often matched with measure word "道"or"处"or"条".
    • 伤口

      one wound

    • 伤口

      one wound

    • 伤口

      one wound