
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • yī gè rén duì shè huì yào xiān zuò chū gòng xiàn rán hòu cái néng suǒ qǔ


      A person must first make a contribution to society before he can claim it.

    • fù nǚ zài shè huì shang yīng gāi xiǎng yǒu píng děng de dì wèi


      Women must have equal status in society.

    • shè huì yǒu quán yāo qiú rén rén zūn shǒu fǎ lǜ


      Society has a right to expect obedience of the law.

  • 2 (group of people regarded as forming a single community on the basis of common material conditions)

    • shù lì xīn fēng pò chú lòu xí shè huì cái néng bù duàn jìn bù


      Only by establishing a new trend and getting rid of bad habits can society make continuous progress.

    • zhǐ yǒu shè huì zhì xù ān dìng rén mín cái néng ān jū lè yè


      Only when the social order is stable can the people live and work in peace.

    • rèn píng nǐ shì shén me rén dōu yīng gāi zūn shǒu shè huì gōng dé


      No matter who you are, you should abide by social ethics.

Word usage

  • "社会" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 社会

      one society