shè shēn chǔ dì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • put oneself in somebody else's position

    • zhǐ yào shè shēn chǔ dì xiǎng xiang tā de chǔ jìng jiù kě yǐ lǐ jiě tā wèi shén me huì yǒu nà zhǒng biǎo xiàn


      If you put yourself in his place, you may realize why he acted as he did.

    • wǒ men yīng gāi shè shēn chǔ dì kàn dài zhè jiàn shì


      We should view this from the perspective of the people involved.

    • bié shēng tā men de qì yào shè shēn chǔ dì wèi tā men xiǎng xiǎng


      Don’t be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their shoes.

Word usage

  • Note
    "设身处地" is different from "将心比心". "将心比心" means being considerate or sympathizing with each other, and can be used as a predicate alone; "设身处地" means empathy and is generally only used to modify other verbs.