shèng huì

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.distinguished gathering

    • yī chǎng tuán jié yǒu yì de shèng huì


      a grand gathering of unity and friendship

    • yī chǎng tǐ yù shèng huì


      a magnificent sports meet

    • shàng gè xīng qī tiān wǒ men jǔ xíng le yī cì shè jiāo jiè de shèng huì


      We had a grand social gathering last Sunday.

    • cān jiā yī chǎng dà shèng huì


      attend a huge gathering

    • hūn lǐ shì yī chǎng shèng huì


      The wedding is quite an occasion.

    • ào yùn huì qí shí shì qìng zhù tǐ yù chéng jiù de shèng huì


      The Olympics are all about celebrating sporting achievements.

    • zhǒng xià yī kē xiàng shù yǐ jì niàn zhè yī shèng huì


      An oak tree was planted in honour of the occasion.

    • lún dūn shí zhuāng zhōu jiāng shì yī chǎng huó lì sì shè de shèng huì


      London Fashion Week will be a sparky affair.

Word usage

  • "盛会" is often matched with measure word "场"or"次"or"个".
    • 盛会

      one event

    • 盛会

      one event

    • 盛会

      one event

Chinese words with pinyin sheng hui